


Azur Associates’ background in the fine beverage space spans a wide variety of disciplines. Below are just a few examples of success in our key practice areas.



An Iconic Estate Focused Transaction

We were asked to find an appropriate steward for one of California’s most iconic vineyards as well as a luxury winery facility in a significantly different location.   

An exhaustive search was conducted to find a buyer dedicated to world-class quality and ample resources to carry forward one of California’s most treasured vineyards as well the complementary winery facility and related assets.  Buyers considered in the search included both California and International generationally focused companies whose attention to detail was fitting for a site of this pedigree and assets of this quality.  Ultimately, there were multiple offers for the acquisition of the iconic vineyard as well as the winery facility and related assets.

Following negotiations with each of the interested buyers, analysis and discussion with the seller team followed and the winning bidder was selected.  The Azur team worked closely with the executive team and counsel of both the seller and buyer to ensure that key objectives for both parties were addressed clearly, timely and appropriately.

The outcome of the transaction was a significant milestone for the buyer, one of America’s highest quality luxury wine producers.  They achieved the goal of adding an iconic estate to their portfolio in support of their mission to make world-class wines in Northern California.  Concurrently, when informed of who the buyer was, wineries who source fruit from the vineyard were quoted as “very lucky” to have a steward of this pedigree as the ultimate buyer.  The sellers were equally pleased with the outcome of the transaction as it achieved their goals from both a qualitative and valuation standpoint.

Patrick DeLong